604.941.4800 request@stclare.ca

Register To Attend Mass

The number of people in the church building at one time is limited to 50. All Covid-19 guidelines are being followed.

To ensure that the number of people in the building is within limits, you MUST register to attend Mass. An  email will be sent confirming your reserved space for that particular Mass. There is no need to print this confirmation email. No walk-ins are allowed.
You need a reservation for every person, which is different than communion with 1 ticket per household.

Please consider leaving Sunday Masses for working parishioners.

If you are booking Sunday Mass, please book once every two weeks. If you are booking masses during the week, feel free to reserve two weekday masses per week.

Registration for Saturday, Sunday, Monday masses closes at 3:00 pm on Friday. Exception for May 29 and 30 cut-off is 9:00am Saturday May 29 to allow extra time for registrations.

Registration for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday mass closes at 3:00 pm on the previous day.


We look forward seeing you at St. Clare Church. A few tips about your participation in the Holy Eucharist:

  • As you enter the main church door, you will need to verify your name with a volunteer to confirm that you are registered for this Mass.
    The Church doors will be locked as soon as Mass starts, Please arrive ahead of time.
  • Proceed to the church to a marked pew. If you want to make your church donation, there is a special box at the entrance to the church on the left side. There will be NO collection during the Mass.
  • The Mass parts will be recited not sung to shorten the time of the people in the same building at the same time.
  • The rite of Communion will be right after the Mass is finished. If you wear protective gloves, please removed them to receive the Host on your hand. Then proceed directly to the exit doors.
  • Please be mindful of the social distancing inside and outside the church.

Stay safe and sound! God Bless!
Fr. Maciej

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Mass Times Not Displayed

If you cannot view next weeks mass registrations, then you may have to reload the webpage. To reload the page click the small circle beside the url – see picture

Not Receive Confirmation Email

When you have completed the online booking form the following screen is displayed and a confirmation email sent.
Once you see the reservation received screen displayed – your booking is in the system, there is NO need to repeat that booking
If you do not receive the confirmation email:
– Please check the email account that you provided in the form
– Please add reserve@stclare.ca to your contact list
– Please create a rule in the email program to accept all email from stclare.ca