604.941.4800 request@stclare.ca

Contact at St Clare Parish

Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School

SQPN: for all the best in Catholic New Media, audio and video podcasts http://sqpn.com

Archdiocese of Vancouver www.rcav.org

Canadian Catholic TV Channel saltandlighttv.org

Daily Prayer for your MP3 player (or just listen on your computer) from the Jesuits in Britain

Sacred Space: guided daily prayer you can do at your computer sacredspace.ie

Online edition of the B.C. Catholic newspaper www.bccatholic.ca

you can search for and order any of the publications of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

If you have an iPhone or an iPod touch, type in ‘catholic’ while you’re at the App store – you’ll be amazed at what you’ll find! here’s a
sample: www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5KftViTzRM

Chalice – a catholic sponorship programme  – As a ministry within the Catholic community, our mission is to create and nurture caring relationships of life and love wherever we serve.
A great site to find a key reference from the bible bible passages

An independent Catholic daycare operating in St Clare’s basement www.goodshepherddaycare.com

Vancouver resource for Catholic supplies www.standrewschurchsupply.com