604.941.4800 request@stclare.ca

Contact at St Clare Parish

Pastor Fr. Maciej Wos, SDS 604-941-4800

Parish Secretary Maria 604-941-4800

Facilities Manager Rey Granados 778-938-4609 booking@stclare.ca


Liturgical Coordinator Linda 604-939-2365
Altar Servers Linda 604-939-2365
Sacristan Goretty 604-942 1680
Music Peggy 604-464-3415
Extraordinary Ministers Linda 604-939-2365
Lector Tim 604-945-4541
Flower Arranger Office 604-941-4800
Collection Counters Mary Anne
604-942-8495 cmrob77@gmail.com
Livestreaming & Video Roy 604-992-9897



PREP Marna stclareprep@gmail.com
Children’s Liturgy Sandy 604 374 5914
Children’s Choir
Youth Group
RCIA Derek 604-754-3389
Bible Sharing Matthew 604-754-2762  biblemondaystc@gmail.com
Bible Portage  Matthew 604-754-2762  bibleportage@gmail.com
Prayer Chain Gillian 604-464-0213
Mothers Prayers Thelma 604-464-3383




CWL Louanne 778-712-0890 prepkids@shaw.ca
Knights of Columbus Mike  604 760 9035 mikeblackstock@gmail.com
Legion of Mary Ofelia (604)240-9101 or Lourdes (778)986-7516
Secular Franciscans Carmen carmenmoorhouse@gmail.com
Prayer Shawl Laura 604-944-9064
Pro Life Pat 778-875-8836

E Newsletter Mike enews@stclare.ca
Event Calendar  Carmela event@stclare.ca

Greeters Kelly 604-944-9139
Usher Roger 604-945-9907
Seniors Group Alan 604-941-3032

Councils Committees
Pastoral parish office 604-941-4800
Finance Maria 604-941-4800
Stewardship Heather 778-837-0272
Building Pascal 604-475-2784
Project Advance Janet 604-475-7195
Lynda 778-788-5045
Archbishop Carney Reps Nina 604-552-3947 or Jason 604-714-4591
Safe Kids Bruce 604-941-7871