604.941.4800 request@stclare.ca

About St Clare's Parish

The Society of the Divine Saviour, known as the Salvatorians, is an international, religious, congregation of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church, founded in Rome, December 8, 1881, by Blessed Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan. Today members of the Society are engaged in apostolic activities in 40 countries all over the world. We are part of a Salvatorian Family that includes religious sisters (Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour) and laity (International Community of the Divine Saviour)

The purpose of the Society is to strengthen, to defend and to spread the Catholic faith everywhere in so far as this is committed to it by Divine Providence.

Our Mission:

We Salvatorians are called to follow Jesus Christ, the Divine Saviour, by living as community within the universal Church for apostolic service. Like our Founder, Blessed Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, we proclaim Salvation to all people, so that by the lives we live and in our apostolic activities, all may come “to know You, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3), and have life in all its fullness.


  • we are present in missionary countries. Among the poor and marginalized we support human development, family life, health, and education;
  • we lead parishes in the light of our Salvatorian charism in over 40 countries;
  • we accompany young people as they discover how to live their Christian vocation;
  • we promote Christian formation, encouraging spiritual growth and active participation in the life of the Church and the world;
  • we do research and teach in universities;
  • we proclaim the Gospel in a contemporary manner and in dialogue with every culture by means of social communication

See more about the Salvatorians at www.sds.org