Welcome to St. Clare of Assisi Parish!
Every parish has different devotions and unique blend of the Catholic traditions. The base is always the same, we are founded on Jesus Christ our Saviour. Mary Mother of God, the Apostles and all the Saints are important part of our deposit of faith.
The humble origins of this parish are associated to St. Clare of Assisi a faithful follower of St. Francis. It is our role and desire to bring her life and works vivid again.
As the parish community we want express our warmest welcome to all, including all those who search and want to find Jesus. It would be the deepest joy to see more and more new faces around as we hope to get bigger and bolder in spreading the mission of Christ and His unconditional love for all the people.
Since July 11th 2019, St. Clare Parish has been served by the priests from the Society of Divine Saviour called in short, Salvatorians. We hope that this will add a new flavour to the richness of our parish community. Why? Simply because the motto of Salvatorians fits well to any place in the world.
Our Founder, Father Francis Jordan, wrote “As long as there is one person on earth who does not know God and does not love Him above all things, you dare not allow yourself a moment’s rest. As long as God is not everywhere glorified, you dare not allow yourself a moment’s rest.”
Fr. Jordan, December 1894, “Exhortations and Admonitions”